9 Natural Remedies for Wisdom Tooth Pain

When your wisdom teeth do not come through fully, it can create potential problems. You may develop a flap in the gum from which infections can breed. This can turn into a wisdom tooth infection and the resulting pain. Your wisdom teeth may also hurt when they have to be extracted, either because of infection or as a way to preempt one. Below, we offer a list of natural remedy wisdom tooth pain solutions. You will see many ingredients that come from your kitchen and things you can buy readily in a grocery store.

woman with toothpain

Natural Remedy Wisdom Tooth Pain Overview

1. Warm Salt Water

For this home treatment for wisdom tooth pain, you need to look no further than your water faucet and salt shaker. Stir a teaspoon of salt into approximately one cup of warm water. Once the salt dissolves, swish for half a minute to a minute then spit. The salt water can also attack the infection created by the accumulation of bacteria.

Use this salt water mouth rinse 2 to 3 times a day, or until you feel the pain receding.

2. Ice Pack

Ice makes a good pain reliever for its ability to bring down inflammation. For this treatment, find a tea towel and wrap it around a few pieces of ice. Apply it for 15 minutes, then remove it and wait 15 minutes until applying again. Do this until you feel relief.

3. Tea

A black tea-based natural remedy wisdom tooth pain approach turns on the power of tannic acid. This ingredient is a natural fighter of bacteria, and can lower swelling and pain.

Brew some tea using a tea bag. Depending upon the site, you may wish to apply the tea bag warm to the affected area. You can also cool the tea bag by putting it in the refrigerator. You then bite down on the cool item for about 15 minutes.

If you want to expand your tea horizons, try chamomile tea bags. Chamomile is an antioxidant and, as such, can heal a sore wisdom tooth. Prepare it the same way as you do black tea.

cup of chamomile tea

4. Onions

Onions, especially in a raw state, can leave your eyes watery and your breath unappealing. They also make our list of home remedies for wisdom tooth pain for their chemicals that can treat the infection. Remember that wisdom teeth pain is often a result of infected gums in the area.

To get the most healing from onions requires those most likely to leave a really bad taste in your mouth. Red and yellow onions provide the best power to relieve your pain. Sweet onion is milder and, perhaps, better tasting, but not as effective. Chewing on the onion releases the juice that works against the pain.

5. Cucumbers

Cucumbers can afford relief when applied directly to the teeth or converted into juice. If you choose the former way, put a piece of cucumber in the refrigerator, but don’t freeze it. When it gets cold enough, apply it to the hurt area. With juice, you should have a rinse.

Using cucumbers primarily provides relief from the pain, but it’s not as effective in treating the underlying infection as is red or yellow onion.

6. Honey

When you eat honey, you consume naturally occurring hydrogen peroxide. This ingredient helps fight bacteria and viruses. The ability to fend off infections is very important in suppressing the bacteria that serves as a major source of wisdom tooth pain and oral inflammations. Honey also makes a good home treatment for wisdom tooth pain because of its salve properties.

7. Garlic

Garlic has been a long-standing natural remedy wisdom tooth pain option. This herb proves effective against inflammation and infection. You can apply it as a whole piece, a clove, or powder. If you use a fresh garlic clove, leave it whole and uncut when you place it against the aching tooth.

With this remedy, your mouth should not have contact with the inside of the club. Otherwise, you might encounter burns or other irritations. Consider covering the inside if you expose it, or coating it with olive oil. If you cut it, using a thin paper towel or coffee filter can also provide relief for you without contacting the raw inside.

8. Peppermint

Among these wisdom tooth pain fixes, peppermint stands as one of the most pleasing for your palate. You know this when you chew peppermint gum or eat peppermint chocolates or other candy. It also leaves a fresh aroma.

Peppermint represents an abundant source of agents that alleviate pain and fight bacteria. You can place this anesthetic in your mouth through fresh and packed leaves, or through a peppermint extract that you apply with a cotton swab.

essential oils and peppermint leaves

9. Oils

A number of oils have therapeutic effects, including the reduction of pain. These include lavender, clove, tree tea, thyme, and oregano.

With many of these essential oil based wisdom tooth remedies, you must exercise great care when applying them to the teeth. For instance, oregano and tree tea pack a significant amount of power. These oils should be diluted with other ingredients, and should not have direct contact, particularly in a pure form, with your mouth.

A Word on Oral Hygiene

Another natural remedy for wisdom tooth pain is your own dedication to good oral practices. This means you should brush regularly, and do it gently, with a soft brush. The peppermint we feature above should come from leaves or extract, not from candies and other products with sugar. Eating sugar is a major contributor to the filming bacteria otherwise known as plaque, and can exacerbate infections.

These natural remedy wisdom tooth pain ideas rely on ingredients found in natural herbs or produced by bees. Throughout this list, you may have noticed a constant theme of not only alleviating the symptoms, but the ability to attack the causes, which are often an infection. Please share your results from using these remedies or others you might come across.

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