How Toothpaste Can Fight Gum Disease

By using the right toothpaste, mouthwash and flossing regularly, you can prevent gum disease and protect your oral health.

Gum disease generally occurs because plaque builds up on the teeth and the gums. The plaque grows when there is bacterial growth around the teeth and gums – the bacteria are often the result of stray food particles that have not been removed.

If you have gum disease you may start to notice your gums becoming red, swollen and uncomfortable, and they may bleed after brushing or flossing. In extreme cases you may lose teeth, which is both unattractive and leads to expensive dental bills.

How To Find Toothpaste For Gum Disease

When shopping for toothpaste that is best for defending your mouth from gum disease it is best to look for products that do not contain:

-Sodium Lauryl Sulfate



These are harmful additives that can actually do more harm than good to your gum health.

Natural OraMD Products

OraMD products contain totally natural ingredients such as peppermint, almond and spearmint. These natural ingredients have been proven to be effective at reducing bacteria, fungus and plaque. They are able to fight gum disease without causing any side effects or doing any damage to your health.

Other Ways To Support Gum Health

As well as using natural toothpaste such as OraMD, you should look for a mouthwash that does not contain alcohol or other harsh chemicals. This should be used daily to flush away any leftover food particles after brushing.

It is also important to monitor what you are eating and reduce your sugar intake. If you are a smoker, you should talk to your pharmacist or doctor about how to quit once and for all.

Visiting a dentist twice a year is another integral step in your oral health care. They are able to detect the signs of gum disease early on and suggest a treatment plan for you.

Why Bother With Good Oral Health

Sometimes it can seem like too much effort to brush your teeth when you are feeling tired, but good oral health is very important for a number of reasons:

  • Healthy teeth and gums mean that you can eat whatever you like. If you have poor oral health, then you might end up unable to enjoy many kinds of foods.
  • Gum disease can be very painful and may even require operations to get rid of infection.
  • Gum disease can lead to infections in other parts of your body and there is some evidence of a link between this and heart disease.
  • Poor oral health can affect your appearance and self-confidence thanks to bad breath, bleeding gums and even loss of teeth.

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