How to Get Rid of Mouth Sores: 8 Efficient Remedies

Mouth sores can occur anywhere in the mouth, including on the tongue, gums, and inside of the cheeks. They may appear as red or white patches or ulcers with red rings. The exact cause of mouth sores isn’t clear, but they may be due to hormonal changes, stress, vitamin and mineral deficiencies, or infection. Mouth sores can also be caused by some medications, such as aspirin, methotrexate, phenytoin, beta-blockers, and penicillamine. They typically go away in 10 to 14 days, even if you do nothing to treat them, but they can last up to six weeks. Mouth sores can cause inflammation and can be quite painful. There are several ways in which you can speed up their healing, and this article will offer advice on how to get rid of mouth sores.

8 Efficient Remedies for Mouth Sores

1. Deglycyrrhizinated Licorice (DGL)

Doctors offer some good advice on how to get rid of mouth sores. Research indicates that individuals experienced pain relief from their mouth sores when they gargled DGL dissolved in warm water four times a day. Additionally, 75% of the participants noticed a 50-75% improvement in their mouth sores within one day, with complete healing occurring by day three.


  • Mix one-half teaspoon licorice extract with one-fourth cup of water.
  • Swish the liquid around in your mouth and gargle it.
  • Then, spit it out when you’re done.
  • Gargle with the diluted licorice extract four times a day to speed the healing of mouth sores.
  • Alternatively, chew one or two 200 milligram tablets of DGL two to three times each day.

2. Garlic

Here is another great advice on how to get rid of mouth sores. Garlic has antibacterial and antiviral properties. The active ingredient in garlic, allicin, acts as an antiseptic as well. Not only can garlic speed up the healing of mouth sores, it can reduce the pain they cause.


  • Rub half a clove of garlic directly onto your mouth sore for one minute.
  • After one hour, rinse your mouth out with warm water.

3. Aloe Vera

Here’s some more sound advice on how to get rid of mouth sores. Aloe vera contains antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties and can aid in the healing of painful mouth sores. Aloe vera is also one of the most efficient remedies for bad breath.


  • If you have an aloe plant, extract the gel from a leaf, and apply it directly to your mouth sore.
  • Alternatively, you can purchase aloe vera juice at a local store, and rinse your mouth out with it three to four times each day.
  • You can also swallow two to three tablespoons of aloe vera gel three times each day to help with mouth sore healing.

4. Coriander

This is another good suggestion on how to get rid of mouth sores. The coriander found in your spice cabinet is good for healing mouth sores. Coriander contains anti-inflammatory properties.


  • If you have coriander leaves, boil a few of them in eight ounces of water.
  • Strain, and wait for the water to cool. Gargle with the coriander water four times each day.
  • Alternatively, boil eight ounces of water, and add one teaspoon of coriander seeds.
  • Allow the coriander seeds and water to sit for one day before straining. Gargle with the coriander water four times each day.

5. Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is an essential oil containing antibacterial and antifungal properties, making it a great remedy for many ailments. Use 100% natural tea tree oil for the best results.


  • Mix one-half tablespoon filtered water and two drops of tea tree oil in a clean dish.
  • Apply the mixture to your mouth sore using a clean cotton swab three times each day.
  • You can also use tea tree oil as a mouthwash to help heal your mouth sores.
  • Put 10 drops of tea tree oil in eight ounces of filtered water, and use this solution as a mouthwash up to four times each day.

6. Honey

Honey is another good recommendation for how to get rid of mouth sores. The site assets that honey’s antiseptic properties help mouth sores heal. Use raw honey if you have it, but regular liquid honey is also effective.


  • Wash your hands thoroughly, and use a clean finger to apply raw or liquid honey directly to and around your mouth sore.
  • You may initially experience some pain, but it won’t last long.
  • Leave the honey on for a few minutes before using warm water to rinse your mouth. Repeat twice a day.

7. Peppermint Oil

This is another suggestion for how to get rid of mouth sores is using peppermint oil. Not only can peppermint oil help mouth sores heal faster, it can give you relief from the pain and irritation associated with them.


  • Rub peppermint oil directly onto your mouth sore using a clean cotton swab twice a day.
  • Leave the peppermint oil on your sore for 15 minutes before you spit it out.
  • Rinse your mouth out well with warm water.

8. Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide has antibacterial properties, which help mouth sores heal more quickly. Here is how to use hydrogen peroxide as a mouthwash to heal the mouth sores.


  • Add one tablespoon of 3% hydrogen peroxide to eight ounces of water.
  • Rinse your mouth out with this mixture up to four times each day.
  • Be sure you don’t swallow any of the solution.
  • You can also apply a hydrogen peroxide solution directly to your mouth sore to reap its benefits.
  • Combine one teaspoon water with one teaspoon 3% hydrogen peroxide in a clean dish.
  • Use a clean cotton swab to apply the solution directly to your mouth sore three or four times each day.
  • Leave the solution on your mouth sore for a little while before you rinse your mouth out with warm water.

Mouth sores can be painful and irritating. If you have them, you may want to try some of the advice offered in this article on how to get rid of mouth sores. What have you found effective for treating mouth sores? Please share your thoughts and experiences.