The Ultimate Guide to Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry is a term used to describe the entire set of dental procedures which can improve the appearance of our teeth. While it does not necessarily improve dental functionality, cosmetic dentistry is widely used for aesthetic purposes.

Cosmetic Dentistry teeth whitening

In general, the basic aim of these procedures is to fix problems that affect the quality of our smile. Due to the wide array of dental problems people have, these procedures can range from tooth bleaching to tooth reshaping and replacement.

In this article, we will approach cosmetic dentistry from a variety of angles and we will discuss a number of popular procedures, costs, and implications.

Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures

Cosmetic dentistry procedures range from simple interventions to very complicated surgeries. Depending on your dentist’s recommendation, your budget, and your lifestyle, any of the following procedures could be an option to you.

Tooth Whitening

This is a very popular cosmetic dentistry procedure, primarily used to restore a healthy white color on stained teeth. There are several techniques used to whiten your teeth. The majority involve a visit to the dentist, but there are some do-it-yourself solutions on the market, too.

The most common technique is bleaching, which is done at the dentist. The dentist will use chemical compounds, such as hydrogen peroxide, to bleach your teeth and restore their color. You should note, however, that the full spectrum of side-effects that chemical treatments can have is not yet fully understood.

Some people might develop gum inflammation and tooth pain after bleaching. Consequently, if you are allergic or sensitive to the chemicals used in tooth whitening, you should consult a doctor before undertaking the procedure.

Teeth become stained due to neglecting oral hygiene and engaging in unhealthy habits, such as smoking and drinking certain sugar-rich soft drinks. As such, tooth whitening will not prevent your teeth from staining again.

Tooth Reshaping

This procedure basically means sculpting the tooth in order to obtain the desired shape. It is generally used to correct medium to severe deformities, such as abnormally large teeth, which can seriously affect the quality of one’s life.

Most tooth reshaping techniques involve chipping away small pieces of enamel. Enamel is the hardest substance in the human body and it covers the exterior of our teeth. Dentin is a softer layer underneath acting as a supporting platform.

If too much enamel is removed, it can expose the dentin, which can cause pain and sensitivity to temperature changes and a range of food types. You should also know that the body cannot regenerate enamel, and any damage done to your teeth will be permanent.


This is a more complicated process, involving the replacement of damaged enamel with artificial substances, which compensates for the damage done to your teeth.


Veneers are thin artificial covers, which enclose the front of the tooth, and are fixed by cementing the fabric (porcelain or composite materials) directly on the enamel. They can do a great job in restoring the aspect of your teeth, and are highly popular among celebrities.

veneers before after

Despite the great looks they can give you, there are some drawbacks which must be taken into consideration before opting for veneers. First of all, the procedure involves the removal of an enamel layer in order to preserve the shape of the tooth. This means that you will not be able to remove the veneers and your teeth cannot recover to their initial state.  Veneers must also be replaced after a time and are quite costly.

Choose veneers if your teeth are badly worn and other alternatives, such as whitening, cannot yield the desired result. Read a more detailed article on Veneers here.


Though it’s not considered a cosmetic dentistry procedure per se, Invisalign has established itself on the market as an aesthetic alternative to braces, able to correct minor orthodontic problems.

By contrast to braces, Invisalign can be removed at will. This, however, is both an advantage and a drawback, as serious self-discipline is required in order to keep the treatment effective. More about Invisalign and how it compares to braces in this instructive article.

Dental implants

Dental implants are complete replacements for badly damaged teeth which cannot be successfully treated. They are fixed in the jaw bone and are made from highly expensive materials, such as titanium.

Implants are a solution only if the tooth is damaged beyond repair and cannot be preserved by other means. The costs for this dental cosmetics procedure can be very high. Speaking of costs, let’s have a look at what cosmetic dentistry can do to your wallet.

Cosmetic Dentistry Cost

Costs for cosmetic dentistry can range from moderate to very high, depending on the type of treatment or procedure recommended by your dentist. Each of the previously described procedures can, in turn, vary in cost, depending on materials and specific techniques.

In order to choose affordable cosmetic dentistry procedures, which can nevertheless provide genuine relief for your dental problems, we recommend you dedicate some time to researching the matter beforehand.

The main contributing factor to cosmetic dentistry prices would be the quality of the materials used by the dentist in order to perform a procedure. In addition, dentist fees vary from one location to another. Ideally, if cosmetic dentistry for you is a must, you should try to find a balance between cost and quality, in order to prevent your finances from taking a major hit.

It is also vital to objectively determine whether you actually need to use cosmetic dentistry. For economic reasons, some dentists do not shy away from recommending various cosmetic dentistry procedures to patients, even if they are, in truth, not entirely necessary. If you have stained teeth, for instance, consider improving your oral hygiene routine first, before committing financial resources to tooth whitening.

Below, we’ve highlighted some average prices for popular cosmetic dentistry procedures, just to give you an idea about the required financial commitment.

Teeth whitening costs

The most common of all cosmetic dentistry procedures, whitening is widely employed all across the country and is a quick and efficient procedure. However, if you want it professionally done by a dentist, it can hardly be described as cheap. The average costs in the US for whitening all your teeth at the dentist are somewhere between $650 and $700.

There are cheaper options, however, with do it yourself whitening kits widely available on the market and ranging between $20 and $100, depending on the product.

Veneers Costs

Porcelain veneers, which can last up to 15 years before you need replacements, can go as high as $2500 per tooth. They are very durable and your teeth will be almost as good as new. If you plan on using veneers on more than one tooth, which is often the case, the total costs can easily go beyond $ 10 000.

If you want a cheaper option, you can also choose composite veneers. These are more prone to suffering early damage and do not generally last for more than 7 years. The price for one tooth, however, can be somewhere in the $1500 – $1700 range.

If you can afford to pay $1700 for one tooth, perhaps it would be wiser to save money for a while, and then go for the porcelain version.

Invisalign Costs

Invisalign can be quite expensive, with a full treatment easily crossing the $5000 mark. Though it can save you all the trouble of having to continuously wear braces, consult your dentist (and yourself for that matter), to make sure Invisalign is compatible with both your dental condition and your lifestyle.

Dental Implants Costs

This cosmetic dentistry procedure is usually the most expensive one on the market, as prices for just one tooth can easily be as high as $5000. When dental implants are a must, people usually choose quality over price. In some severe cases which require a complete mouth reconstruction, the total cost can exceed $100 000.

As you can see, cheap cosmetic dentistry is not really an option. Any cosmetic dentistry procedure will imply serious costs, which are not usually covered by your insurance. Implicitly, you might as well take your mind off free cosmetic dentistry.

In conclusion, it’s very important to correctly evaluate the precise nature of your dental condition and decide whether you actually need the respective procedure or not.

Cosmetic Dental Surgery Before and After

The decision to use cosmetic dental surgery should not be taken lightly. There are a number of things that can go wrong and you should double and triple check whether you and your dentist are making the right decisions. Nevertheless, there are a series of solid advantages that cosmetic dentistry can offer, such as:

  • Better overall quality of life
  • Improved functionality for your teeth
  • Ability to enjoy a wider range of food products
  • Improved appearance of your smile
  • Increased self-confidence
  • Increased responsibility in terms of oral hygiene and health, in general

Cosmetic dentistry is something many of us use at some point. Regardless of which procedure would best suit your need, it is essential for you to make an informed, objective decision when choosing such treatment, as the very quality of your life is in play.

Cosmetic dentistry courses

If you are a dentist or training to become a dentist, and you are interested in cosmetic dentistry, make sure to check out a list of courses and read a lot of student and expert reviews before committing to an institution. However, remember that cosmetic dentistry is becoming more and more popular across the world, and becoming a specialist in the field will almost certainly yield great career results.

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