15 Best Home Remedies for Warts

Warts are small growths caused by viral infections that occur mainly on the hands and feet. They are contagious. The human papillomavirus (HPV) that causes warts enters the body through broken skin, and is microscopic. Warts tend to grow quickly, so the sooner you start the treatment, the better. Some warts disappear on their own, while others may last for even a decade. If you want to learn more about warts and the best home remedies for warts, read on.

15 Over-the-counter and Home Remedies for Warts

What are some of the most common home remedies for warts? Here are some efficient over-the-counter and home remedies for warts. They might not all work for everyone, so try each one and see what works. There are some warts, usually the plantar warts, which can be so stubborn, so it may take even a year to get rid of them. Don’t despair, as we’ve mentioned earlier, the sooner you start the treatment, the less they get to develop and the easier they are to remove. Here are the most common treatments for warts.

1. Salicylic Acid

Salicylic acid is an extremely efficient remedy for warts. You can find it in appropriate concentrations in many over-the-counter formulations. Follow the instructions closely and you have a good chance of getting rid of your wart.

2. Celandine

Celandine is an amazing remedy for warts! Get some tincture or the actual root of the plant and rub it on the wart. Do this a few times a day and keep the wart covered with a band aid. It should start dying.

3. Acupuncture

Acupuncture might actually help you get rid of warts quite easily. Give it a try, you don’t have anything to lose!

4. Liquid Nitrogen

Liquid nitrogen is another solution against warts that has become more and more popular these days. You can either go to your dermatologist or buy the solution from the pharmacies. A few applications will treat the wart with less pain than salicylic acid does.

5. Cantharidin

Cantharidin is a substance derived from a beetle. It is quite potent and will burn the wart and the skin around it, so it is only to be done under the strict supervision of a doctor.

6. Duct Tape

Duct tape – it may sound weird, but this home remedy for warts works! You get a little piece of duct tape and cover the surface of the wart and the skin around it. You do this process every day for a week or so, until the wart starts dying. Apparently, cutting off oxygen and light upset the wart.

7. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is also a great home remedy for warts! Put some on and cover it up; do this a couple of times a day until the wart disappears.

8. Honey

Honey is a popular home remedy for warts! Apply a thick layer of honey on the wart and wrap a bandage around it. Leave it for 24 hours and reapply every day until the wart disappears.

9. Potatoes

Potatoes are one of the best home remedies for warts, especially for the plantar warts. Simply put a slice of potato or a potato skin on the wart 3 times a day. You can also bondage the potato slice to your wart and leave it there longer.

10. Vitamin C

Vitamin C is another good home remedy for warts, as it kills the virus. Just crush a vitamin C tablet and add lemon juice until you get a paste. Apply it on the wart every day!

11. Pineapple

Pineapple can also help you get rid of warts. The enzymes and natural acids contained in fresh pineapple effectively take care of warts. If you apply fresh pineapple to the wart every day, you have a good chance of making it go away.

12. Garlic

Garlic mixed with water and applied to the wart has positive results as well. Make a paste with fresh garlic, apply it on the wart, and place a bandage on top. In order to ensure the wart is always covered, re-apply the paste ever few hours.

13. Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil applied directly on the wart can be efficient as well. After applying the oil, cover the wart with a bandage. Re-apply the oil every day until the wart goes away. Essential oils in general are great home remedies for warts, so you can also mix tea tree oil with clove oil, thyme oil, lemongrass oil, etc.

14. Bee Propolis

Bee propolis applied on the wart a few times a day might help you get rid of it. If you want it to be extra effective, apply a larger quantity of it at night, cover it with a bandage, and let it work its magic overnight.

15. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera – you probably already heard the many benefits of aloe vera. Well, it also works as one of the best home remedies for warts. For it to be effective, however, it needs to be fresh. Apply it onto the wart and cover it. The malic acid contained in aloe vera will work against the wart.

When all else fails, turn to surgery! Warts are pretty resilient, unfortunately. You can either have the doctor remove the wart with a scalpel or with laser. Laser is more efficient, but also more expensive. It’s not pleasant and the area will require up to a month of recovery, but in 90% of the cases, it will get the job done. Yes, it is not a foolproof thing.

Extra Tips for Treating Warts

  • The most important thing before you start treatment for a wart is to make sure the thing you want to treat is indeed a wart. Only then you can start trying some home remedies for warts, like the ones presented above.
  • Examine your skin at least weekly, to notice any changes in color and texture. If you do this, you will be able to see the warts in the first stages of development, and that is the perfect time to start treatment.
  • Always wash your hands after touching the wart. Thus, you will prevent the spreading of the virus!
  • Take care of your immunity. Warts are a sign of a weakened immune system!
  • If you frequent public pools or showers, make sure to always wear flip-flops.
  • If you notice a wart on your skin, try to keep the area as dry as possible. Warts tend to spread in high moisture environments.

Warts FAQs

What Causes Warts?

All warts are caused by the some types of human papillomavirus, or HPV. The majority of types of HPV produce a benign growth, but some can cause a malignant growth – such as the high risk HPVs that cause cervical cancer. You can even increase the risk of sensitivity of some types of HPVs through smoking. HPV type 2 and 4 cause the common warts. Benign genital warts are caused by HPV type 6 and 11.

The HPV types that cause cervical cancer are 16 and 18, while HPV type 1 is responsible for plantar warts. If you have had or have a wart, that doesn’t mean that you are automatically infected with a type of HPV that will cause cancer. Actually, it’s far from the truth!

What are the Main Types of Warts?

The most common five types of warts to look for are:

  1. Common warts (verruca vulgaris) – They are most common on hands, and they have a rough surface.  Most are not painful, but when treatment begins, they may start to hurt.
  2. Genital warts or venereal warts (verruca acuminata) are warts that occur on the male and female genitalia.
  3. Periunugual warts are warts that occur under and around nails. They may impede nail growth, and they can be painful.
  4. Plantar warts (verruca plantaris) are hard and painful warts that occur on the feet (they are most likely to appear on the pressure points of the feet). They do not grow out of your skin, but into it. They can make it uncomfortable for you to walk.
  5. Flat warts are small and difficult to notice. You will encounter them most often on the face, arms, and thighs. As the name suggests, their top is flat. Flat warts can be yellowish, pink, or brownish.

Are Warts Painful?

Depending on the site of the wart, you’ll experience some type of pain. Obviously, the most painful ones are plantar warts – on the soles of your feet, toes, and heels. If you don’t treat them as soon as they appear, they will, at one point, interfere with walking. The pain will be constant and sharp when walking,so you will end up avoiding doing things just to not have to be experience the pain. Don’t let warts have such a power on you, start treatment for removal as soon as they appear!


Whether you have common warts, genital warts, nail warts, plantar warts, or flat warts, they are all very annoying. Some of them are painful too. However, with the right treatment, you can get rid of them. What home remedies for warts worked for you? Do you know of other treatments that we did not mention here? Share your experience with us!

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