Best Relaxation Techniques to Fight Stress

In today’s world, stress is a very common word. But besides the frequent use of the word, specialists worry about the effects that it has on the quality of life and health. Along with stress, another condition threatens our existence: depression. Today, we are saying no to prescription drugs and we are inviting relaxation into our lives. Here are some of the best relaxation techniques to fight stress in the comfort of your home.

The fast moving lifestyle, the multitude of activities, the many responsibilities at work prevent us from finding a balance between personal and professional life. So, we need relaxation techniques for our well-being.

What is a relaxation exercise?

Relaxation techniques to fight stress are based on breathing exercises and visualization. It starts with adjusting your own breathing pace and gradually you evolve to muscle relaxation, to focusing attention on specific areas of the body where stress is felt more deeply and relaxing those areas, as well as visualizing oneself in happy situations. This, however, is a brief description which contains three of the most common elements of relaxation techniques, while there are many more possibilities in terms of relaxation to be determined according to individual issues and availability.
breathing exercise

What are the benefits of relaxation techniques?

Relaxation techniques can be used with other ailments as well or simply to prevent future difficulties, they are not just about fighting stress. Here are some of the reasons why we should resort to relaxation techniques:

  • Preparing for a life situation that triggers anxiety (exam, public speaking etc.)
  • Heart rate adjustment
  • Regulation of respiration
  • Improving blood circulation
  • Reducing muscle tension
  • Reducing chronic pain
  • Improving concentration
  • Increasing the level of confidence
  • Reduce feelings of frustration and anger
  • Achieving personal goals

You can even carry out relaxation exercises at work, sitting in the office, without in any way to attracting attention of others. They are based mainly on breathing exercises and focusing on bodily sensations. In just minutes you can unwind, you can recharge your batteries and you can feel a lot better.

To perform relaxation exercises at work it is only required for you to sit on a chair in a more comfortable position, get involved in an activity that is less demanding or, if possible, to interrupt work for a few minutes and focus on breathing. It is preferable to take a deep breath and you can tell that you managed to do this when breathing air inflates the abdomen, not the chest

woman relaxing

Exercise 1

Inhale counting from 101 to 103 in your head, then exhale counting from 101 to 103 in your head. Do this ten times.

Then inhale counting from 101-103 and release the air quickly (counting to one in your head). Repeat this part ten times.

Then breathe rapidly (counting to one in your head) and long exhale silently counting from 101 to 103, doing this ten times.

Finish off with the first cycle: inhaling (101, 102, 103) and exhale (101, 102, 103).

Exercise 2

Inhale through your nose, silently counting to five.

Hold your breath counting silently to seven.

Exhale through your mouth silently counting to eight.

Repeat this cycle of breathing ten times.

Exercise 3

Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth regularly, setting your own pace that is comfortable and relaxing.

Then focus, one at the time, on the body part where you feel tension.

By keeping inner attention on the tension area, think that that area gets looser with each breath. Imagine that the area gets a good feeling of relaxation and warmth.

After you feel that the body part where you experienced tension is more relaxed, do the same with a different area of the body (if it exists).

Throughout the breathing exercise, breathe regularly, at the pace set initially.

Exercise 4

Start by inhaling through your nose and exhale through your mouth regularly, finding the rhythm that is soothing and relaxing for you.

Focus your inner attention on each side of the body to relax (start with the feet and continue with: legs , upper legs, abdomen, back, hands, forearms, arms, neck, chin, lips, nose, ears, cheeks, eyes, forehead and crown). Imagine that in the whole body a feeling of heaviness and warmth gradually installs.

Continue to breathe regularly for another minute, maintaining the relaxed state achieved.

It is preferable not to move while the exercise takes place.

If stress is present in your life for longer periods of time and if the above-mentioned relaxation techniques to fight stress don’t seem to work, it is recommended to ask the advice of a psychologist, so that together you can establish a relaxation method suitable you’re your lifestyle.

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